American Made Model Engines since 1943 9-1-2023

After we moved Fox Mfg. back to Southern California we started the daunting task
of sorting everything. We have items that have been squirreled away since
before Duke moved from California in 1955. Now they are being added
to our museum at MECOA.

See a movie of FOX Manufacturing in 1992
This was filmed by Randy in 1992 on the day Duke passed away. Watch both parts

We received this very good comment on our youtube video from Bob.
You can find it in the comments from the link above.

One day we went to the Fox plant with my friend's dad. Duke was working on an engine for a go-kart. In this case it was a Fox 35 (I think but it might have been a larger engine) with a serious gear reduction setup to get the RPM's down to a manageable rate to drive the wheels. He had a quart of model fuel as the fuel tank and soldered a fuel line outlet into it. Duke started the thing up and I drove it around the plant floor.
We rescued it.
Click on a picture to enlarge. This is the exact one Bob drove around 65 years ago. Good memory.

I guess the exhaust facing forward lubed the gears.

Duke's Supermotor fan housing
Wood Sand casting patterns possibly for the concept of the Split Case 19
Sand Casting of a twin exhaust crankcase

Test shot of the Falcon 60 crankcase prior to the mold being engraved.
Trying a flange mount on the 40 (below) and the Schnuerle ported ball bearing version (right)

Sand casting pattern for fan cover on a large
2 stroke engine

Fox magneto coil

I think this was the beginnings of an .038
Duke told me about this engine back in the 1980's

He made the die casting dies but never any production. Duke called it a "Kid Fox" (a baby Fox is called a kid)


Casting die for the front of the Split Case 19

Modified die for the one piece case 19. If you look close you can see he was adding a flat flange to mount a carburetor, probably the precursor to the production 19 & 25. Click here for full size picture.

Casting dies for the Rocket 09, they ran 2 cavities so there are 2 castings every shot.

Fox 59 short shaft die. This was made from the long shaft die.

The FOX 36RX actually started out as an RAF engine

These are the patterns for the never made FOX 60RX - 36RX being held for size reference.

FOX flat head four stroke.



Manufactured in USA by Fox Manufacturing
Part of the MECOA group of companies.
Model Engine Corporation Of America
16015 Adelante St., Irwindale, CA 91702

FOX is a Registered Trademark of Model Engine Corporation Of America